Version 1.05 Minor Bugfix

Greetings all. I have uploaded version 1.05 of the CS_Core plugin with the following change:

  • (revision a 4/27/2023 21:12 UTC)
    • Corrected an issue where ingredients that were not consumed on a successful craft were not provided additive traits to the result item they were being used in.
  • Successfully crafting a recipe which does not remove any ingredients from the inventory will no longer crash the project.

A core function was expecting a list of removed ingredients to be populated, so it was diving right into trying to read properties of the object, rather than confirming that the object existed first. If you'd made recipes in which there were no ingredients consumed on success, the list would never be defined, and the plugin would crash trying to read those ingredients from the list. This issue was reported by user Stark Raving Sane Games.

To download the update, either navigate back to the store page and redownload it from there, or head to your library and get it from there.

That's all for this update, see you all next time!



It appears that I'd made very minor change in version 1.04, which I didn't bother to upload here. The changelog says that it was a minor change to the way that crafting levels are defined when the database is loaded, but the change was made so long ago I'm not entirely sure what that change did or why. :)


Core Plugin File 186 kB
Apr 27, 2023

Get MV/MZ - Crafting System Core

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