Version 1.03 Minor Bugfix

Good evening folks.

I have just uploaded the version 1.03 update for the Crafting System Core plugin, which corrects the following bug:

  • The plugin will no longer cause a crash when using YEP_ItemCore, and the the player inputs ingredients that are a partial match to an unlocked recipe, or attempts to craft using ingredients that form a partial match to said locked recipe.

This issue stemmed from a typo in the plugin, where during an n-1 and n-2 partial recipe search, I left out an index on an array object, and caused the function to try to check if an item that wasn't an item was independent or not. This would only be seen during a partial match, as if the ingredients listed were a full match to a recipe, it would never check for partials after. 

It is likely that this bug has existed since the very beginning, as I haven't done much work to the function that checks for partial recipe matches. It slipped through my own QA testing at the time because I did the deep testing on partial matches without using ItemCore, and probably neglected to do partial recipe checks after enabling ItemCore afterward. I'd say based on my correction, that this would be likely to affect anyone who had partial recipe matching enabled, as well as ItemCore, but it's weird that it took this long for someone to report it.

This was caught by RPGMakerweb forums user desertbriar. Good job tracking this one down!

To download the update, you can navigate back to the store page for it, and download it from there, or head over to your library and redownload it from there as well.

That's all for this update



Core Plugin File 185 kB
Mar 31, 2022

Get MV/MZ - Crafting System Core

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