Version 1.06 Minor Update

Greetings all.

I have uploaded version 1.06 of the Shield Block MZ plugin with the following change:

  • Animated sideview enemies will now obey requests for battler motions from this plugin.

If you're using the VS_BattleCore plugin to have animated SV enemies in your project, you might have noticed that the enemies did not perform any of the motion requests you might've given them on your block effects. Originally I did this because I wasn't sure if there was a way to implement this without causing a crash if the enemy wasn't an animated one, of the VS_BattleCore wasn't being used. This update makes it so that an animated SV enemy should work just like an actor, so by default, a guard motion is requested for a normal block, for example. In my limited testing, this didn't seem to cause any major problems that I saw, but do feel free to let me know if you find something I missed. Note that this change has no effect if you're not using VS_Battlecore, or if you are using it, but don't have any animated SV enemies. Also note that this probably doesn't work for dragonbones battlers, as I don't have that plugin to test it, and it likely works very differently than regular animated enemies.

That's all for now.



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49 days ago

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I'll give it some good testing  over the next bit and keep ya updated! This def can add life to battles , I am super excited! For dragonbones, most of the battlers i have dont even have a defensive stance so I  wouldnt even worry about it lol.